Mastering Go for No!

Grow Your Sales, Build Your Confidence, Unleash Your Potential

Your sales breakthrough is NOT going to happen by learning new scripts or closes. It’ll come when you understand what’s holding you back… internally.

Are you ready to get out of your own way? Tired of stalling and procrastinating?

You are in the right place. Master Go for No!


Everyone Loves the Word YES…

It’s so positive… so empowering.

And then there’s “NO!”

For most people, NO is just the opposite. Negative. Draining. The antithesis of YES.

But what if everyone’s wrong?

What if NO could actually be the most empowering word in the world?

What if you could achieve every quota… hit every income goal… and reach every personal dream… by simply learning to hear NO more often?

And… what if you discovered you were only two letters away from ACHIEVING BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE in your business?

And those two letters were N and O. No.

I want to Go for No!

The Suit Salesman Story:

Would you have quit if it were you?

Many years ago, there was a young guy who was new to the world of sales, and he was struggling. His dad, on the other hand, was a “sales legend.” The problem was, even with his father’s help, this salesman could not sell.

The truth was, he didn’t want to be rejected.

So, instead of facing his fears, he left his hometown of Chicago and moved all the way to Los Angeles. He wanted to get as far away from his father’s shadow as he could.

Once he got to L.A. though, he took a job in a men’s clothing store selling suits. Unfortunately, his fears didn’t magically disappear. They came with him! And now here he was failing again and on the verge of being fired.

What would he do? Admit defeat? Move back home?

But then he met someone. A mentor. Who taught him to think differently about failure, rejection, and the word, NO.

And everything changed.
His life turned around.

He didn't leave.

The salesman in this story is Richard Fenton. The co-author of the book and creator of the Go for No program. He didn’t start as a perfect, fearless, slick “sales guru.”

Richard is just a normal guy who learned the secret about success and failure, yes and no.

And went on to become an award-winning salesperson.

That’s why he shares it to this day.
That’s why we created a course to teach you to do exactly the same.

“I don't know how anyone can live without your content in the game of sales. I love the way you both explain things.”

- Ryan M.

“This has been a tremendous way to reinforce the Go for No concepts.
It has been eye-opening. Lots of AHA moments!”

- John N.

“This training is amazing!
It has completely changed my mindset and I am so excited!”

- Chelle A

Take the 'Mastering Go for No!' course to learn and apply Richard’s secrets to sales success!



'Mastering Go for No!'

We were speaking and training sales teams on Go for No! and then we wrote the book. We thought we were done.

Not quite. Because people were asking us: Where can I learn more? How can I go deeper?

We worked for nearly 3 years identifying and developing the 20 most important core go for no concepts that are the foundation of this program.

What’s included is everything you need to master Go for No!

The course is a module-based online video/audio training experience that can be accessed anytime.

You can also download the audio files to listen on the go.

Some Go for No! Concepts you’ll learn:

  • How to achieve success by reprogramming your reaction to hearing “NO”
  • Increasing your personal N.Q. (NO-Quotient) to persistence and resilience
  • Understanding why embracing failure is crucial for your success
  • Going beyond the “willingness” to hear NO and start wanting it
  • Using simple ways to equalize your emotional reactions to YES & NO
  • Consistently and easily following up with people who tell you “NO”
  • Avoiding the two words that will sabotage your results every time
  • Learning how to set NO-Goals™ to achieve radical new levels of performance
  • Getting over feeling like a “salesy salesperson” once and for all
  • Staying positively persistent, especially during slumps and tough times
  • Reprogram "How You Think About No" Audio Affirmations MP3 ($35 value)
  • Special training modules on how to do a self-directed Go for No! Challenge.
  • Interviews: Andrea talks to Leo Quinn about his Summer of 1000 Nos! And Carl Ingalls of High Probability Selling, and more!
  • Bonus modules on: scripting (exactly what to say), belief building, the “perfect” close, taking No personally, and more.
  • Lifetime access in the private Facebook Coaching Group for daily NOtivation, support, advice, Go for No! Stories, Facebook Live videos, and more. (Priceless!)

Access It Now

Once you sign up you’ll create a password. Log in with your email and password anytime and begin. All the content is immediately accessible.

Go at your own pace.
If you want to "binge-train" you can easily do it all in a single day, You can consume over the suggested three-week timeframe or whatever you choose. It’s up to you!

Many people continue to re-watch the modules as needed.


What Is the Investment?

It seems like most online courses these days are somewhere around $1,000-$2,000.

We own a few ourselves...

However, to justify the price, the course is stuffed with hundreds of hours of videos and thousands of pages of reports you don’t want and will never use.

We’ve chosen to go the opposite way.

Keep the “fluff” out and charge a reasonable fee that makes it an easy decision.

So, Mastering Go for No! isn’t $1997. Or $997.
Or even $497.

It’s just $297.

That’s not a year. That’s for life.


“Regardless of what you're selling or who you are selling it to, I believe this is some of the greatest wisdom in the entire strategic GFN arsenal and I never get tired of hearing it”.

- Jeff Newman

“I'm building teams around the world. I'm so thankful for your books, videos and for all the coaching you do. Go for No! Has been (and still is) such a blessing for me and all my teams.”

- Eric G.

“This course has taken your Go For No book to a whole new level. Why? Because you are showing us how to feel happy about hearing no. Also, I am so grateful you left out all the fluff.”

- Katie G.

The Sales Superstar Story:
Are you as good as you can be?

Several years ago, there was a young woman who thought she was a sales superstar.

Customers loved her. She knew how to ask the right questions and communicate with just about anyone.

But one day, a guy named Richard came to the store where she was General Manager and told the woman the Go for No story.

She was blown away!!

She had to admit that even though she was good, she could be so much better.

And the truth was, she didn't like hearing No.
She avoided it.
In fact, it was a point of pride that she never heard it.

The next day she used the Go for No concept and saw immediately how well it worked.
Richard was right.

That young woman was Andrea Waltz
(the co-creator of this course).

Eventually, she and Richard would launch a speaking and training company together. Their main message?

Teaching people how to Go for No!

Go for No has the power to change your life.

Will you say yes and Go for No!?

Say Yes, to GO FOR NO!

Don’t let the fear of rejection win

Statistics reveal that a staggering 80% of sales require at least five follow-up calls after an initial meeting, yet a substantial portion of salespeople abandon their efforts after just one or two rejections.

 We speak to people about this issue all of the time. In one conversation, a financial services professional who had been in his practice for decades told us, “I have gold sitting in my CRM. I just have so much fear about reaching out to them.”

It’s a vicious cycle: The fears cause you to stall doing everything but making calls, eroding your confidence and enthusiasm, and so you put it off to the next day, and the next week when it becomes even harder to start.

Embracing this program isn't just an investment in overcoming fear—it's a strategic move toward unlocking untapped opportunities, maximizing earnings, and achieving success in the competitive world of sales.

Follow the Go for No strategies to unlock your full potential.

As good as this sounds, maybe you’re not sure about this.
If I were you, here’s what I would be concerned about...

I want to Go for No!

You might be thinking:

To truly achieve the results you want, fear of failure and rejection must be conquered!

Ryan M. said, “I don't know how anyone can live without your content in the game of sales… Your content is a total game changer giving me so many breakthroughs through simple concepts. I love the way you both explain things.”

Ultimately, the decision whether or not to take this course is entirely up to you.

We encourage you to do so and know that if you join, you won’t regret it.

I’m ready to Go for No!

As kids we weren’t fazed at all when we heard NO.

We shrugged it off, laughed at it, and flicked it away like a bug.

But somewhere along the line, this natural sense of tenacity was lost.
Or, worse, it was drummed out of us.

What if starting today…

  • You could get that tenacity back?
  • The word NO stopped stopping you?
    The word NO actually started EMPOWERING YOU?
  • And, what if starting today every time you heard the word NO you became STRONGER… more POWERFUL… more RESILIENT?
  • And what if… in fact… hearing NO started being… FUN.

Rejection doesn’t have to debilitate you.

In fact, the word NO can EMPOWER you to achieve a level of greatness you never dreamed possible. And this program will show you how.


About Richard & Andrea...

They are the authors and creators of Go for No! and own the federally registered trademark for the phrase.

Working as a team for over the last two decades, Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz have single-handedly reshaped the way people approach rejection in sales.

Speaking on stage together in a unique two-person style of delivery, they've spoken at the sales meetings and conferences of virtually every kind of business and industry and their client list reads like the Who's Who of Business (American Express, Wyndham, Coca-Cola, Tiffany & Co, Re/Max) to name a few.

The book, Go for No! reached #1 on Amazon’s “Selling” list in 2010 and has remained in the top 50 of ‘Sales’ books for the last 13 years. Today Go for No has become a well-known methodology in the world of selling, widely recognized as the singular best program for dealing with rejection in business.